Sunday, August 06, 2006


Well, I was trying to avoid putting the "real" me up here, but I have heard that my blog is less interesting than I am in person. Some people also said that I should document the "real" me because of some reason that eludes me at the moment. I figure since I am back filling with this one anyway, why not give it a try here.

I do not know much about the world in which you live. People talk about different diseases and are horrified, but they are words to me, words I do not understand, so I base my reactions on those around me and gasp with them (when I remember to do this). I do not understand drug use or what any of them do, so when they are used in a movie and people around me gasp at what someone on screen is doing, I sit there puzzled. My world is very different from your world - I've made up the world in which I live since I seem to lack the inborn rules of the people around me.

The actual topic: cream. I was so happy a bit ago because I finally found larger-than-pint-size half and half to use on my cereal at night. I admit, I used to use whole cream, but that is very hard to find out here, so I made the switch about 10 years ago. Then they switched over to pints only for half and half, I guess there isn't much demand for it, besides me. (And a pint is only good for one night's cereal!)

This past week, I found and purchased a half gallon of Manufacturing Cream. As I child, I liked these diet packets called "Alba 77", which I found again recently. You mix one with water and ice, and it makes a milkshake. I used to drink them as a child, so I like the taste. But, I never used water. Now that I have this extra heavy cream, I thought I would use that to make one. Wow, the blender spun a few times, then the cream turned solid. The powder didn't even make it to the bottom on the blender (ie not really mixed). So, I had to dilute it with some half and half, just to get the blades spinning again. And when I was done, I had something so thick I had to use a spatula to get it out of the blender. Basically, 3 cups of heavy chocolate whipped cream. Boy, was that good! Not much of a thirst quencher, but tasty.

The advantage of using higher cream content on cereal is that it doesn't get soggy, since the cream kind of coats the cereal. Yum. Actually, I think I will make of bowl of it right now! I highly recommend drinking (or spooning) some tonight!

The Edward

PS Maybe I will tell you about drinking cups of gravy next time...


Anonymous said...

Why not find out about intoxicants such as drugs or alcohol? Why is that Edward dead already?

The Edward said...

People learn these things through socialization, normally. I would have to either spend a lot of time talking with people about these things until they became part of my model or read and memorize their effects myself. Reading wouldn't give me the emotive context so that I would gasp when certain things are revealed - like so and so uses X or has Y disease. They are just facts, to which I currently have no context upon which to base a reaction.

I'm sorry, but I don't believe I understand your second question as you meant it. The other Edward is dead to me, I just have some of his memories - is what I would say based on how it reads to me. I hope these answer your questions.

Anonymous said...

So, the Edward who chose never to drink alcohol is dead and shares no memory of making that choice with the subsequent Edwards? How is it that subsequent Edwards continue to make the same choice?