Thursday, August 17, 2006

God is Just

I hear about all of the violence in the video game industry. I hear about how all of this has lead to the downfall of our civilization. Sure, every generation on record back to the Ancient Greeks has said the same thing about its current generation, but this time it really is true, and we know that Video Games have caused this! Everything from terrorist to school shootings to sex with prostitutes to voting for Bush (or Clinton).

So, I had though of a solution a bit ago, and I thought tonight I would share it with you. A new kind of video game. A game about god. A game that god would approve of. A game that would make our civilization that which god craves. Pick any god in which you believe, and you will see that each of them want the same thing for his/her/its children (ie humans). God wants you to know that he is the only god and all non-believers will fall before you as proof of his divinity, for only the one true god could make this happen. The problem has been that man decided to take the power of god into his own hands, which is source of man's downfall. My solution: God is Just!

God takes back his rightful spot as leader of smiting the unbelievers in this new action packed video game. After the game loads, the game world is filled with unbelievers in need of a good smiting. You pick your god, define the powers that you believe that your god has, and off you go to rid the world of everyone who doubts your god. You can choice the standards such as lightening bolts, locust plagues, rivers of blood, first born dieing, altars for sacrifices, blow out their minds with drug enemas, burned at the stake, orgies, etc. Unleash gods righteous anger, letting you know that god is just. No need to blow yourself up, since god is obviously more powerful than you, let him do what needs to be done, up close and personal. And let this game show you how it would look and sound if your god existed.

I can even see a sequel! God is Love! You play the living believers of your god, and you get to express god's love to your fellow man. Or kill them if they don't believe, because that is how much love god has for everyone. He is the definition of love - a love that burns unbelievers, because who really cares about them, not a loving god, that's for sure. His power will flow through you to burn them and their dark souls that he created for them in the first place.

I see this whole god thing taking off. God could be a big hit. All action packed and actiony in glorious gory detail. Let's not step on god's toes, let's instead give glory to god and his plan to smite the unbelievers by buy my new game when it finally comes out. God willing.

The Edward


Anonymous said...

Hi Edward, Is there a particular reason why you only capitalized God at the beginning of a sentence? Just wondering if that was one purpose or not. -- Glenn

The Edward said...

Hi Glenn,

It is indeed for a reason - a few actually. If god were to stand for a person, then I would capitalize it, but as a concept, I do not. Just like "my dad said" vs "Dad said". If the concept represents a real person, capitalize. Or how I think of it, if you can put someone's name in its place "my Bob said" doesn't work, but "Bob said" does.

Also, with my christian upbringing, I was taught that there was one true god, and that god was always to be capitalized, but other people gods were not, since they were not real. So, it is also a knock against my old beliefs - I do not believe in the God of my youth, now he is just a god.