Thursday, July 16, 2009

Cool New Ponzi Scheme to Join!

Ponzi Schemes seem to be everywhere there days! With their ever increasing popularity, it gave cause to some thoughts about your World.

The population of the World is increasing. Each generation adds additional demands upon the limited resources of the World. What is the best way for our generation to make the most of it? How do we get our fair share? It's as easy as sin!

How do Ponzi Schemes work? Say you want a million dollars. Now say you go out and find 1000 suckers who will give you $1000 each. Why would they do this, you ask? Because you tell them that you will give them $2000. But where will you get this $2,000,000 (ie 1000 people at $2,000 each is your debt) from since you only have $1,000,000? You go out and find more people to give you $1000 each and give that money to the first people! And why do these new people give you money? Because you tell them that you will give them $2000 each. Go back to step one and repeat. Basically, as long as you have future suckers willing to give you money to pay off your past debts, you can keep that initial $1,000,000 for yourself!

Combining these two ideas we get what we have today! We can borrow money from the future, ie the children of today, by telling them that we will give them a lot more money in the future if they just give us a bunch of money now. Then they do the same thing to the next generation. Repeat!

And why will this work? It works because there are more people in each generation. As long as we keep ahead of the borrowing curve by producing more children, we can, generation after generation, live in the lap of luxury! We can fuck ourselves into a good life.

Just keep it up, we need a new larger generation of suckers in order for the Ponzi Scheme of Life to succeed! The more children in the next generation, the better our current lives will be, since we will have much more to borrow against.

The Edward

Monday, July 13, 2009

Hello Stranger

I was reading something the other day, something that I have heard many times throughout my life: The Universe is not only stranger than we imagine, but stranger than we can imagine. Then I thought about it... am I not part of this Universe? Doesn't that imply something about me?

The one thing I like about that quote is that it fits nicely with my World View. Or Universe View. Why is it that Humans assume that they can understand the Universe? Can dogs understand our World? Give enough time, would they understand our Science? What makes us believe that we have the mental facilities to understand the Science of the Universe?

If an Alien lands tomorrow, I doubt we could understand their Science, even if we have all the Time in the World. Our Belief about the Universe and its rules... shocking!

The Edward