Tuesday, August 01, 2006

More with the Light Side being Evil

And another thing, why is Luke so afraid of the Dark Side? Because of its name. I mean, how much time did Luke spend with Old Ben, a few days? And he was able to convince him during that short time that the Dark Side was Evil. What proof did he offer? None. Yet Luke totally believe him. Did he show him both sides and let him judge for himself? No, he didn't. Why...

When Luke meets Yoda, what does Yoda tell him? The Light Side is good for defense, and the Dark Side good for offensive. Seems like a good warrior should be well versed in both. But Light Siders seem to go around telling people that only their path is the True Path, and anyone who even thinks about The Dark Side should be put to death. And you should never ask questions or seek knowledge so you can make an informed decision - the Path of Ignorance.

If they used non-biased words for naming the Sides, I think the audience would have a very different view of the movies - the labels have became the filter for the audiences perceptions. I think if you watch all 6 Episodes knowing that the stories were from the point of view of the Religious Right, I believe you would see them all in a different light.

Keep track of who kills and why. Who offers peace? Who lets people decide for themselves? Who fears knowledge? Who tells Luke it is better to let his friends suffer and die rather than go help them, because leaving would interfere with his class work? Who leaves their best friend with no limbs and on fire on a lava world?

I think the Dark Side is seductive as they say, because it has a feeling of rightness.

The Edward

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