Thursday, August 03, 2006

Evil Genius Dream

I start dreaming almost as soon as I close my eyes, and I remember almost all of my dreams in vivid detail. Yet, through all of the thousands of dreams I remember, one has haunted me, so I will share it for the first time. No, not the one where aliens will invade at 6:00 pm, though we can stop them with flying machines made of paper, ones large enough to carry all of the coleslaw and pickles that are needed to break through their force field. This is The Evil Genius Dream that I had 13 years ago.

I was working for the government, but on a top secret project. Not the kind that gets one all of the pussy one can ask for, but the kind that is interesting yet boring. I was to take a shift to watch over The Evil Genius. His exploits were legendary, well, to people in the know that is. The general populace had never heard of his death ray, or is evil dealings with an evil alien race, or his lair of inventions so Genius that no one had figured them out yet (as well as too Evil for people to want to try and figure them out).

Somehow, probably with the help of some scum-sucking backstabbing alien race, he was captured and a device was placed in his head that prevented Evil thoughts. The government who gained control of him thought that with this device in place, they could steal his Genius without all of the bother of those Evil thoughts. The problem was, this device also limited his Genius down to genius, probably even lower. But they were happy that he wasn't out there destroying the world, or worse, working with the alien competition.

So, my first day there, I was to watch him. I could see on the monitor in front of me the Evilness of his thoughts, but I could also see the limits it placed on him. I felt sorry for him. Everyone else hated him, but I realized that I understood his plight, because as I said in the dream "I, as all people, have felt the call of evil. Who I am to judge this person and keep him against his will for the choices he has made? Who is really the evil party in all of this?" In retrospect, they probably should ask people their feelings about this type of thing, to skim off people like I was in the dream from getting jobs like that. But they didn't, and I was in control of the device that kept this man in check.

By this point, you probably know the rest, but I will spell it out, or else this blog will look a lot like I used to write In The Time Before I Understood. I flipped the switches to release this Evil Genius. I'm guessing that they shouldn't have taught me the sequence of switches to flip to release him, since there probably wasn't a valid reason for me to know this. As the dampening field faded, I could feel the Evil and the Genius radiating off of him. I understood all of the power that he possessed and felt angry that the worms who called themselves humans would have the unmitigated gall to try to steal so much from this person. I hoped he would destroy everyone for this crime.

Well, it was only a dream, so even though I use "I" above, that person had different memories than I do, different motivations, different feelings. No, there is no twist that is not really a twist: I wasn't the Evil Genius, I just felt that I understood his plight and wanted to help him, set him free to his own will, not to let someone else cage him.

Then, after all of this, and with the no-twist, way does this dream still bother me so?

The Edward

PS How many feminists does it take to screw in a light bulb? 2. One to screw it in and one to suck my dick.

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