Monday, August 07, 2006

1 0 0 1

Patterns. They are all around us, patterns everywhere... So, if you saw the sequence 1 0 0 1, you might be tempted to say that there is a pattern to these 1s and 0s. You would be wrong. If you believe I am wrong, tell me Mr. Smart Human, what is the next symbol in the sequence?

(Actually, any sequence of numbers has an infinite number of correct next numbers, which is why I do not like them on IQ tests: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, x - x can be any number)

Patterns are my friends. I see patterns everywhere. I used to get high grades on tests in school, not because I learned the material, but because I knew the patterns that determined which questions would probably be asked then studied just that. The same way one can know who did it in any murder mystery, they all follow the same pattern. Questions people will ask, how they will steer their cars before making a turn or taking an off ramp on the highway. All patterns have a beginning, and the earlier in the pattern you can recognize the pattern, the more able you are to take advantage of it (or yell at the guy cutting you off, because you knew he would do it). Spend too much time with patterns, and you will start to see ones that do not exist (or do they?), so be careful.

So, where am I going with this? Aliens. Bet you didn't see that one coming, did you? There are no truly random numbers in most areas of our lives. Things that happen are usually caused by someone. The questions: Are there a Secret Societies controlling our fate? Are aliens behind technology advances? Are they controlling us? The answer to all of these questions is plainly obvious with the knowledge of patterns.

To find the answer to the aforementioned questions, ask yourself: Are the patterns those that are produced by Humans? Do the patterns better match those produced by an organized body kept in secret? Human leave a distinct pattern on all choices as do groups, so if there were patterns to world events that did not follow normal human tendency towards certain patterns...

The Edward

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