Tuesday, August 08, 2006

1 0 0 1 2

More on patterns, or part 2.

Humans favor certain patterns over other patterns when making choices. People will tend to go to the right over left if given a choice, for example. By recognizing Human patterns one can do many things that at first seem impossible.

One can easily win at Roulette with this knowledge. The wheel has a distinctive green space or two. Since a human is throwing the ball, the human will tend to throw about the same speed and tend to synchronize his throws unconsciously with the green spaces. Next time you go to a casino, look at the chart of the last 10 numbers, you will see at least one duplicate. If you ask for a chart of the wheel and you mark down where the ball ends for each dealer, you will see a grouping. Just bet in this grouping and you are guaranteed to walk away a winner.

Here is a party trick I learned a long time ago: Leave the room. Wasn't that fun? Probably more fun than that stupid party - its not like I was invited or anything. Anyway, before leaving the room, pick someone and ask that person to point to some object in the room while you are gone. Do all of this, and when you return, ask that person to point to various objects in the room. The person will point to something red before pointing to the objected pointed to whilst you were gone. (if there is a red object in the room and the person isn't colorblind) Tell them "Stop" at the next object, and they will be amazed that you found the item originally pointed to while you were gone. (There are other signs too, NLP addresses a few of them.)

As an aside to the aliens mentioned in 1 0 0 1: It takes certain equipment to make other equipment. If you took a laptop computer back 100 years, no one there could fix it, even if you took back people who knew how to make a computer. Why? Because the needed machines and the technology to build them didn't exist back then, even though you brought the knowledge with you. So, one can postulate that technology moves together with knowledge - without one, the other is useless and probably wouldn't happen on its own. So, if one looked at the patterns of scientific advances and the rates of technologies, one can see if there are certain patterns to them. Do they show that one exceeded the other? If so, that shows influence external to the system. Look at human advancements as a set of patterns and see what you can see...

The Edward

PS Why do brides get married in white? To match the appliances.


Madpuppy said...

So- do you see these patterns because they exist, or do these patterns exist because you see them?

Anonymous said...

I don't see the need for an influence external to the system, since advances in knowledge/technology are always incremental steps from what came before. Can you explain more fully why there needs to be an outside force?

The Edward said...

To madpuppy: That is one of the problems, I can not tell from within my model of the Universe whether the patterns "are" real. They seem to be to me, but the patterns I see are my interpretation of Universe. Within these limits, I ask myself if I think others can see these patterns and can I explain them in a way that they could take advantage of them. All I know is that I see these patterns, and they seem to generate certain results for me.

The Edward said...

To anonymous: That is the question, are they incremental and in lock step? They should be, but if they are not then I claim that that is proof of external influence.

If we have the knowledge of something and are working towards creating something with that knowledge, but that something is many years away, would that not be the same as going back in time and moving society to a place where it could build that which you know to be possible in the future? Or if we have a technology well beyond our current level, this would also create a directed target, we would try to build that device ourselves, but we wouldn't necessarily explore other avenues of knowledge normally explored along the way - we would be focused because we would know something is possible without all of the steps normally needed to know this. If we are not exploring a solution space but moving towards a solution directly, wouldn't that possibly imply knowledge from outside of that space?

I am not claiming that there is or isn't an external influence, I am just describing what I look for to determine this. Just one of the ways to apply certain types of patterns and models to determine information about a system that isn't contained within that system.