Monday, September 25, 2006


I've seen many Taco Bell commercials in my day. (Commercials are those things that used to interrupt our shows, stealing 1/3 of our lives before TiVo allowed us to skip them all.) They asked us to Think Outside the Bun. Kind of a takeoff on Think Outside the Box.

Well, I have a confession to make. I've thought outside the bun all my life. Sure, I've thought about thinking inside of the bun - seen the movies and various websites, and they all do make it seem so interesting, but is it really? I believe that all of those people are actors, so they could just be putting on a show, making it look like a lot more fun that it sounds. That's why I'm glad we have companies like Taco Bell. They are telling it like it is, giving people choices. Let people know it is okay to say "Yeah, I know we've been going out for a long time and I do love you, but I do not think I will ever be happy with thinking inside the bun. Are you okay with that? I am just not a bun thinker."

Maybe if one slips a finger in the bun, rather than a full on thinking... I guess I would have to say "To each their own." Though, if we go back to the original idea, The Box...

I've been in many meetings at many companies, all who want us to Think Outside of the Box. This one is a harder one to comply with (in theory, though in practice...). Sure, I've spent almost all of my life Thinking Outside of the Box, but you know, most days I think I would enjoy Thinking Inside the Box again. Every once in a while, just to keep the memory alive of what it was like. Oh yeah, Thinking Inside of the Box... much more acceptable than Thinking Inside of the Bun.

And of course to make sure we uphold the ideal of thinking outside of the box: a finger in the box is always okay, since we wouldn't be really thinking. I'm off to do a little thinking on my own.

The Edward


Anonymous said...

I just got a book of Sherlock pastiches, "The Game is Afoot!" edited by Martin Greenberg. Can't wait to read it!

I would love to swap and recommend titles, but I would have a hard time sharing the actual books. Remember, I am not keen on physically sharing. I have been known to buy a second copy and let the other person "borrow" it. I've lost too many books and you could be the epitomy (sp?) of trust and I still wouldn't give you my copy.

That being said... Have you read "The Beloved Dead" - an anthology of writers in the Lovecraft themes.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, I get the Marvin/Martins mixed up. It's Kaye, so we have the same.

"The Beloved Dead", I will have to look at home. But I got it at Borders a couple years ago.


Samantha said...

Okay, I will try it, I've been hesitant with posting coz I don't have a Google acct. Anyhoo, I had the name of the book wrong. It's "The Loved Dead". So much for my brain today.

Samantha said...

I'm glad you are generous with your book friends. I just can't bring myself to let them sleep over anyone else's house. I'm not very proud of the trait, but at least I own up to being rather selfish, and I will totally buy you one or point you in the right (when my memory works) direction.

Say hey, how do you want to do this comment thingie? Back and forthing on each blog like we have been or actually make it like a conversation on the blog that generated the comment initially?

The Edward said...

I was just following your lead. I do not mind doing it either way, or even via email (I have my email address on my profile). Though, thinking about it, it seems that if we want a discussion others might follow, then we should keep those comments to the topic that started it all. So, do we take it back to your bookshelf post on Friday where I posted a comment on Holmes?

By the way, have you seen this:

Samantha said...

Let us then start comment conversation on the entry that initially sparks the discussion... starting tomorrow.