Thursday, September 07, 2006


This seems like it is going to be another one of those posts about The Real Me, if there is such a thing. I like salt. Though reading through the web I find that most humans crave salt, though no one knows why. (or at least the people who have websites don't know) But, I more than like salt, I crave it. Though, I more than crave it...

I remember back when I was 2.75, I went into the pantry and saw a big container of salt. I knew how much I loved salt on my food, so I figured more salt must be better! So, I chugged it, as much as I could at 2.75. Then I walked out of the pantry, was about to tell my mom what I did, instead I promptly threw up. That was when I found out that there is a limit to how much of a good thing one can have in ones life or stomach. (My mom panicked, because I couldn't tell her what I had eaten because of the endless spewing, so I had to point to the salt, at which point she relax - I didn't know about poisons in the pantry back then.)

My love affair was not deterred by the minor inconvenience in my childhood, I kept at it. Today, I still want salt so much so times that I just pour some in my hand and eat it. (Not my hand, just the salt that my hand holds - portion control I like to thing of it as.) I was telling someone at work about this eating of salt and he suggested, as most people do when I tell them about some of the things that I do, that I see a doctor. After saying "Bah!", I got to thinking, "Maybe there is something wrong with me, besides the other things..." So I did a web search on salt cravings, which finally leads me to my topic! Alien abductions!

It seems that there is a belief that alien abductees crave salt. Well, now that I write it down, it doesn't seem as impressive as it did this morning. There is another tie, but it is a long story involving hypnosis, regression, me being placed here by aliens, and me being abducted through out my life. But, that is for another day.

So, if you crave salt, maybe, just maybe, you have been on The Mothership! Or maybe you know what a doctor would say if I told him that I eat salt.

The Edward

PS Unlike the Cream blog, I can not recommend eating a handful of salt. I'm sure there is a funny way to say that, but I think I am overly tired right now... maybe I need a little salt to get me through the night, but just a little.


Madpuppy said...

When I was about 8 years old, I read about how important salt was for human beings, and we should always try to get enough salt in our diet. I walked into the kitchen and poured myself a large spoonful of it and ate it. I didn't projectile vomit, but I did immediately regret my decision.

Maybe the aliens were testing me to see if I was abduction-worthy. I guess I failed.

Samantha said...

I think I read somewhere that craving salt meant you were anemic. I could be mis-remembering. I love salt. Especially on roasted green beans.

The Edward said...

Interesting... anemia... I always suspected that. I also drink too much water (over a gallon a day). And my body temp had been 95.4 for many years. Since I cut back on water recently, my body temp is in the 98 range and I do not eat handfuls of salt as often, which all look like amenia after doing a search just now.

Though, I think I still like the alien idea better, since it fits my world view better! :)