Sunday, September 17, 2006


I just found a few disturbing things that I will share with you. I always did like you best! And maybe some day, you can share something with me, or set me up on a date. Because after you read the first item, you will believe that you owe me one!

I was looking up the word Reese's for the previous post, which took me to the Hershey's site. Once there, I thought I might find a link to a place where I could buy their delicious candy in bulk, something to keep me warm at nights. ("Who's my favorite box of chocolates? You are, my 1,000 count KitKat. Why don't you move a little closer, it is kind of chilly in here. There isn't anyone else around, why don't we just slip you out of your packing crate. I'll just reach into your box and start munching on some goodness. Oh yeah, that is what I am talking about. Oh chocolate, you taste so good I just want to feel you all over my body. Suddenly, I feel tired, we'll talk in the morning.") That is what led me to there link for retail, where I found this: Retail. Look closely, this is the website that Hershey's is using to convince movie theatres to by their chocolate for the concession stands. Notice the Shelf Life category... the candy in theatres could sit there for a year! That is very disturbing! Grocery stores do not keep candy that long! Remember that next time you thing about putting down twenty bucks for a candy bar at the movies. Instead, buy one at the local grocery store for a lot less, then shove it down your pants so that you can sneak it into the theatre, thereby avoiding the disturbing candy bars for sale in the theatre lobby.

The other disturbing thing for me was the Blogs of Note category on blogger. It seems that they pick some random blogs and claim that there is something special about them, that they embody the ideals of blogger. So, I clicked on a few of them. Oh my god. They were filled with the tritest blogs I have ever seen! And the comments! They have 10+ comments per post telling the blogger how riveting their blog was. Is that what people really want to read? Surface level kind of talk? If I switched over to a happy kind of "You can do it!" blog, blogger would say "Wow, this is some cool shit! Our readers will crap there pants in excitement after reading about "How all people are really one" as expressed through "I saw this man on the street, and I realized that we are all strangers here. That's it. Isn't that mind-blowing?"" Where is the depth? Where is the personality? I want to read blogs that have character! I want to see things that will make me think, wonder about the person I am reading about, shock me, tell me something interesting... anything that isn't trite. But those are the Blogs of Note. Bland, boring, soulless, and fit for the masses.

I realized that I do not want those types of people reading my blog, just as I do not want to read theirs. I hope that in some way you enjoy what I write. (or what you read) If I have left a comment on your blog, it is because I thought there was something special about what you had to say.

The Edward

PS Yeah, you can tell by the sentence structure, the tone, and the topic that it is way late for me. Surprising since I haven't even been up for 12 hours yet. I just want to let you know, we are all the same. And we are all strangers here. We do not belong, which is the bond that makes us all the same. And strangers. Here.


Anonymous said...

Get off the hyperspace improvement. This sucks not being able to get to your blog by normal human means or leave a comment. SUCKS I tell ya! I had a greate comment and it wouldn't let me leave it and deleted it. All about vaginas, speculums, fingers, and virginity. Again with the total sucking. Change back already!

The Edward said...

I tried, but once I clicked that button, there was no unclicking it. Google will not convert my account back. So, this update is like a virus, only people who upgrade can post on upgraded accounts, thereby forcing everyone to eventually upgrade.

It sucked when it happened, but then to know that I missed out on your comments because of my action makes the pain even more unbearable! I am truly sorry to have missed it, it sounded like an interesting post. A post I plan on making over the next few days will cover vaginas, fingers and virginity, but it won't have the depth of your insight (and I do not know enough about speculums to comment, though have seen many pictures...). I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for upgrading. And maybe some day, you can recreate that blog entry and share it with the world, and me!