Saturday, April 07, 2007

I'm not touching you

I have new job. It takes me between 20 to 45 minutes to drive there and an equal time to drive back. But I'm in luck! I bought the 60 part series called "The Joy of Science" back when I had my old, stale job. Back then, I lived so close to work that the CD player didn't even have a chance to warm up, so the CDs languished. Now, I am going through a CD a day! Oh joy! (See, I am seeing the bright side of traffic - in your face therapist! Or better yet, in your face people who tell me that I need a therapist! Okay, no one has ever told me that I need one and I never have gone to one. I guess people who know me know that if I ever went, I would be locked away immediately, so they keep their suggestions to themselves, for the fear that they would lose the goodness in their lives that they call The Edward to some psyche ward in the middle of Arkham, for all they know.)

See this fits into my New Year's resolution. I decided that I wanted to dedicate myself to my two main passions in life: science and pussy. So far this year, based on what I actually spend my time on, I would have to say it has turned out to be: TV and food. Close, but no cigar - if you know what I mean. So, to rectify (rectum?! darn near killed 'em!) this situation, I took this job that was far away at a place that is 50-50 men to women. So, I get to listen to science-y stuff on the way to work, and I get to be surrounded by women I will never get a chance to go out with. A win-win situation, to some.

In listening to this CD set, I realized something. Or better yet, I remember that I realized something when I was 10 years old, but was reminded of it on this CD. See, I have an aversion to touch. I'm working on it, but for most of my life, the thought of touching a human has been repulsive to me. Even the feeling of stuff against my skin just made my skin crawl. Probably that darn religious upbringing that told me that all physical pleasure was a sin, so even comfy bedsheets didn't bring me pleasure until recently. But now, oh my...

So, what I remembered/realized is that it is impossible for me to touch someone - it is actually physically impossible for any object in this universe to touch anything else. I can't actually touch anyone! Though, I guess I can get close enough to catch something - germs do not seem to understand this no-touching logic. So this really doesn't help me personally, this newly rediscovered insight.

If two objects are neutral or even attracted to one another, like elementary particles, and they get really close, they can not touch. Just like one can not put two dots on a line that touch. If one places a dot at the one inch mark, that sets a bounds, and it is mathematically impossible with real numbers to have to bounds touch - so two points can not touch! Any two points that can be placed, one can always place something in-between them. It is a set theory thing, but it is also true in our Universe of quanta.

My question has always been, if this is a quantum based world (ie a Universe with only discrete distances, ie a minimum distance to which no objects can get closer than), then what is that distance? Mathematically, it must exist. We know it exists within atomic structures, which is how we can make lasers, but what about outside of the atom, or even sub-atomic? Is this the Space that requires another dimension to describe? Like the classic hose problem? (From far away, a hose looks like a line, but if one gets close enough, one can see that that hose not only has length, but is cylindrical so an ant could not only walk its length, but also go around its thickness. ie it has more dimensions than it appears to have at a reasonable distance.)

Do not really have a stunning conclusion to this one. Just some thoughts of stuff from the past few months. But we now know a little more about each other, and isn't that what this is all about?

The Edward

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