Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Aluminium Hat

What is worth saving? Say you had some treasure, some great and vast treasure! But you want to save it for a rainy day or for your wedding night. So you hide this treasure away, won't let anyone see it, won't let anyone touch it, or lay a single finger on this great treasure. The days turn into years, the years into decades, and you keep this valuable treasure away from your fellow man. Surely this treasure that was once so valuable years ago when you were young has increased in value many fold! Everyone was so hot and bothered to get their hands on it way back then, now they must be killing themselves to just get a peek at it.

Years ago, there was this valuable metal. It was shiny and very, very hard to come by. Some smart people figured a way to get small amounts of this precious metal together. Rich people made things out of this metal. I hear they even made some crowns out of it. A bar of it was even on display next to the French Crown Jewels. Everyone want this new metal! Now a days, it would be hard to give it away. Its value has decreased now that we know how to turn bauxite into Aluminium. Something so precious in its time that it was sought by kings, and now I throw away stacks of it every day after I drink my Cola from it.

This stories are obviously related. People value some things, not realizing that there could be an endless supply of it coming down the pike. Why save it? Why not get the most out of it while you are young?! Enjoy the gifts you have, for the longer you keep them hidden away from the probing hands of others, the less valuable they become and the less you will enjoy their possessions.

I guess what I am really saying is have sex. What you have isn't really that important or special in the grand scheme of things. And if you don't use it while you can, you will realize your mistake too late to enjoy it. It is always sad to me when I meet an older woman who held on to her chastity (or something close to chastity), hoping to give this great gift to that one special person. After a while, they realized that even if they met that one person, he would value their gift less than they would. For these women they have waited so long that it becomes harder and harder to give it up - "if I have waited this long, why give it up now". They will continue to wait, or give up hope, knowing that what they have is so good that eventually someone will see its true value.

If you have a pussy, use it as much as you can. The world is full of it, and there is new pussy coming down the pike. Don't end up being stuck with an aluminium crown.

The Edward


Aravind Krishnaswamy said...

You should speak at high schools...

The Edward said...

Thanks. I do not think that they will let me near one of the places of learning with my dangerous ideas. An idea can change the world, and there is too much power and tension stored up in our current society around sex. This power is being used by people at the top, so they have a vested interest in keeping people tittering at the mention of sex in ads, telling people that sex is only valid in institutionally sanctioned relationships, etc. Once people realize that there is nothing to sex, at least not what they think, they will be a bit freer.

Bethany said...

Yeah, right, there is nothing to sex. Nothing like pregnancy, human papilloma virus, herpes, cervical cancer, aids, heck, even yeast infections can be damned annoying.

There is also another very different sort of danger for a woman that as a man you cannot understand: falling in love. We do not have an aluminum crown, it is more like a shield. We are not animals, the heart does become involved. It does not hurt to abstain from sex, but it can sure hurt alot to go the opposite direction.