Sunday, July 09, 2006

We are god

There is no denying it. When someone describes their god to me, it is always in terms of human emotions and experiences. "God was pissed that so and so slept with his sister. And that so and so cheated on her husband." "God was amused." "God was angry." "God was vengeful." You've heard them and many more.

When monkeys or chimps look at us, do they understand our world? Could you drop them in a meeting room full of people and think that they understand the interplay between everyone there? Or do they map the experience to their own? So many of the things that happen there would seem random to them, because they couldn't understand most of us.

If there was god who existed outside of who we are, that being's motives would be well beyond what we could comprehend. Yet, the gods humans worship are just humans with more power. They have the same drivers, but more intense. Most gods seem to want to have sex with human women (and who wouldn't) and crossbreed in some way. How is Jesus different from the Greek and Roman son's of gods? Gods don't just eat, they have feasts of human food. Gods don't get angry, they have Righteous Indignation. Gods don't just go to the bathroom, they take monster craps.

Maybe god created man in his own image, just weaker version of his divine self, and that is why we can understand his motives. So, I guess he hated all of his other creations since they do not have the same feelings/motives as he does. Wouldn't the god of ants be kind of like the ants, but more powerful? He probably wouldn't match any of our gods. So, which god is the real one?...


PS You can also substitute goddess where the word god appears above. It is the bias of the English language that the masculine gender of words is also the neutral gender. And remember: words have gender, people have sex. And so do gods and goddesses. Monster sex.

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