Thursday, July 20, 2006


I am immortal. I've known this for some time now. "Sure," you say, "how do you know you are immortal unless you have died." Well, more accurate, until you haven't died. And since I haven't died yet, as far as I can tell, this matches the definition of immortal.

Say there is some person out there who dies. You might say, "Ha, look, that person thought his was immortal, and now look at him!" So, he was wrong. How does someone else being wrong make me wrong?

"Everyone else has died." Really, what about all of those people alive right now. How many dead people do you personally know? A handful maybe. Yet you probably know a lot more people who have resisted dead, ie still alive. Just because other people say that everyone is doing it, does that mean that you have to as well? Sure, inductive reason is the basis of all science, but does that mean it is correct? Just because every tree I see has a bird in it, does that mean all trees have birds, or that I just haven't seen enough trees? Maybe there are people who haven't died, just like the billions we have on hand right now.

Something else to consider. Say you think you are immortal as well. But let's also say that you die one day. After you are dead, are you going to know it? Will you be saying, "Gosh. I'm dead. Man alive, I am not. I guess I wasn't immortal." Probably not. So, as long as you are alive, as far as you know, you are immortal. And if you do die, you will not know it. Therefore, to think of yourself as immortal is the only logical choice, since as long as you are thinking, you are immortal.

Live long and prosper.

The Edward

1 comment:

Aravind Krishnaswamy said...

Yea thats an age old argument dude. Another thing to consider is that statistically speaking more humans are alive today than the sum total of humans who are dead (i.e. that have died throughout history), hence the probability that you or I will die is less than 0.5 Woo hoo!