Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Death of Single Human Males

Well, I am back from my birthday/road trips! Enough of that world.

I noticed something: society is trying to kill single human males - let's call them "men". The means of doing this? Stress, you might think, but you would be wrong. Lack of pussy? Possibly, but my understanding from married men is that that is a resource that dries up after marriage, who are not single by definition. Well, my friends, as cute as it is to see you guessing such obviously wrong answers, I'll break down and tell you: it is society and fast food.

We have a society that turns a questioning eye to people dining out alone. I've often heard "Your table is ready. Just one for tonight? What, you couldn't even convince someone to eat with meal with you if you paid? Well, I guess we can seat you right here in the middle of the room... at a table, no booth for you!" With this kind of social resistance to eating out alone (which we can all admit is tough to do), what is a man to do? Fast food!

At the local fast food emporium, they are happy to serve up some grub for one person. Go into any one at any time of the day, and one can always find at least one single man there eating, face towards the plate, not looking around. This is socially acceptable. And this is where death comes in - fast food isn't as healthy for one as food at a restaurant. Not even close.

So, we force these single men to eat less healthy food, or else feel unloved and on display in the middle of a crowded place with real food, crying on the inside while pretending to read a fascinating book on the outside. Society is trying to kill them all off! Proof, I tell you, proof! What about preparing food for one's self at home? Come on, look in any cook book - the meal sizes in there are not for one. So, following this path, one is either forced to eat way too much (also unhealthy), or save the food not eaten, then eat this partially spoiled food at some future time (also unhealthy).

What's that you say, what about single human females ("women")? Since they are most often recipients of the aforementioned free meals at nice places, that argument doesn't apply. It isn't socially unacceptable for a single woman to eat at fast food - I do not think I have ever seen one there. And for the last point, they can cook food for themselves, and do not generally seem to mind eating that which was not eaten when the food was fresh.

The Edward

PS I know I was speaking in generalities, and you can probably point to at least one person who doesn't fit the mold. All I can say is: generalities are true, and the person you are pointing at is lying to you. I know these things to be true.


Samantha said...

I have yet to "receive a free meal" at one of those "nice places".

Granted I do not go to eat in a fast food place by myself, that's what drive-thru is for.

Nor do I go eat at a restaurant by myself. I find that mortifying and embarrassing and slightly stalkerish - "what, you have no man to eat with, you have no friends you can eat with? What are you, a social pariah that no one deigns to eat with you?" So I don't even go there. I wait and find someone when the cravings get too strong.

Also, I do cook for myself and yes, it seems to be massive amounts at times, but since I have some autistic-like qualities, I don't mind having the same thing for dinner 5-7 nights in a row. Same with lunch, I buy what I need and have it for 5 days in row. Now that may sound depressing to some folks, but what's a single girl to do who wants to eat her favorite comfort foods? The three cats aren't going to eat it. Tho they might think they want to.

The Edward said...

I'm not sure which I consider worse: 1) "No one has offered to take you out for a free meal." 2) "You can not pay someone to eat with you." For a women, society looks at it as they are just being choosey - she could find someone, but she is waiting for the right one. But, society believes that men will ask out anything that moves, so if he is eating alone, there is not the implication that he said No to someone, but that he couldn't find anyone to say Yes. Either way, society seems to be trying to kill single people, force them from view, make them feel unwanted. "2 fly for the price of 1" "Prices based on double occupancy" "Go eat some fast food by yourself" Death knells, all.

The Edward said...

I am sorry to hear that you haven't ever gotten one of those free meals at a nice place. :( Tell you want, next time you are out this way, I will take to out to a nice place. Deal?