Monday, July 02, 2007

Buffy's Hell

Something I never thought about during my life, until I saw that Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode.  See, she was trapped in what her friends thought was a hell, so they rescued her.  The problem was that she was in a paradise.  So much for the spoilers, the interesting part to me was that she thought she was in hell when she came back to this world.  Why?  Because compared to paradise, this would be hell, right?

This was something I never thought about when I was a christian.  If what they say is true, and Heaven is a paradise beyond belief, then by the Buffy analogy, this would seem like Hell in comparison.  So, for all their talk of Eternal peace and happiness, what they are really saying is that we are in hell right now, suffering for some unknown reason.  This would be true of anyone who believes in an afterlife paradise.

This is why I believe that most religious people, those who believe in a paradise after this world, are lying to themselves.  If they truly believe that they could be in a paradise, what could possibly be keeping them from it?  If they truly believed what they preach, they wouldn't be here.  Look at the leaders of any religion, how many of them are willing to go to paradise ASAP?  None.  Yet they seem very willing to tell people to do things that will aid them on their way.  Their actions speak volumes that their followers seem not to hear.

The Edward

1 comment:

Samantha said...

The suicide bombers think they are going straight to paradise. And dying for the Jihad will send them straight to paradise as well. We know what they believe but do they really know "where" they are going? They are taking alot on faith.