Monday, June 11, 2007


The purpose of life.  It is something I have spent many, many hours/weeks/years thinking about, and I believe I have finally discovered it!  You're probably thinking, pussy, that is what he is always on about.  You think I am going to say that all of society is based around breeding competition, since it is.  But this is not just about societal goals, but about a bigger question, Life!

People want to be comfortable.  People work to achieve a level of comfort that they are happy with.  People could always work harder and get more money or more status in society, but most people stop at some point.  They reach a place where they are as comfortable as they are willing to go vs the pain of going further.  People want to reach this stable point, the point where they can rest in peace.

A neighbor of my parents.  She lives off a pension.  It isn't much, but it is enough to supply all of her needs, so she is done.  She has found level.  Now what?  She will stay there until she dies.  She has no forward drive, no need to get more out of life.  Why?  She has achieved her life's purpose, to find a place where she is comfortable. Forever.

I have friends who play video games.  Some spend most every waking moment doing that.  Some may say it is an obsession, but I disagree - they have reached that stable point.  Once people hit this point where their lives are arranged just so and require no more maintenance, they stop living.  They have achieved life's purpose.  Once you have gotten there, and you have a stable life, do you really need to continue to be there, or is it so stable that it can exist independent of you?

See, that is life's purpose: to die.  I consider stable things to be dead things.  People seem to want to reach that stable point, then rest.  But what is that rest but a prelude to the eternal rest of that endless night.  I do not believe that is in the cards for me, I do not believe in finding that stable point, and by this I know I will be around forever.  Ever changing, never stable, never achieving that peace that is the pursuit of the living. That one thing that all people seem to crave.

The Edward


Madpuppy said...

Wow, Edward- those last couple sentences seem like something Dracula would say.

You didn't become a vampire lately, did you?

The Edward said...

People seek this stability, then do not want to change it until they die. So, aren't they dead already? If so, then logically it is only through change that one is alive. And since I have always known that I am immortal that implies I must always be changing.

Being immortal doesn't imply the need to suck blood like a vampire, it only implies change. Also, if death comes looking for you and if you are not you, how can she/he find you?