Friday, November 24, 2006

Dance of Power

I used to read a lot of self-help books, books that claimed to know how the mind works (and tastes) therefore leading to the author's pet theory on how to improve ones mental abilities (and taste). A claim that spanned a few books, one that has stayed with me throughout the years, was: there are 3 ways that people think: kinesthetically, verbally, and visually. Everyone has a dominate way of thinking, which defines ones personality (though all are used by everyone, just to varying degrees). Verbals are talkers and use sentences like "I hear what you are saying." Visuals says "I see your point." Kinesthetics say "I feel that you are right." And each maps to a body type, food preference, etc. Becoming aware of this allows one to understand why communicate fails or succeeds and teaches one how to talk to the various types effectively.

That is all of the lead up to the topic at hand: the dance of power. For me, since I have spent a lot of time thinking about this, I try out different ways of thinking about something to see which works best. If I need to remember a phone number, I found kinesthetically works best for me, etc. I also found that certain ideas naturally map to certain types of thinking as well.

A long time ago in my past, I wanted to think about what it would be like to be a powerful person. Not in human terms, but in the super-hero terms. What would it feel like to have superpowers? When this question used to come up in the past (which it did to a surprising amount), I did not have a verbal or visual, but a sense of motion. I would feel a dancer in my mind, the way a person with power would move rather than how one would look.

So, I have this dancer in my mind, but not in a visual way, in a movement way, and I can feel what it would be like to have superpowers. I often wondered if I could move my muscles in the way that I feel in my mind, would I gain the powers that map to those muscle movements? Could I realize that Dance of Power in this world?

The Edward

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