Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Fox News Lies

Well, there you have it. I can not believe it. I was watching Fox News at someones house very recently and I was shocked! I know, people have been telling me for years that Fox News lies. I never really paid much attention to those claims, until now...

They had a breaking news story. Coming up next, Area 51! The story was to be about alien spacecraft told by people who worked at Area 51. They planned to spill their guts and I was going to watch it all happen live! But then they brought out the two guys who proceeded to tell lie after lie about how there were no alien crafts there and how everything that the public saw in the night skies were really supersonic refueling ships that they have invented/developed. The bold lies they told!

After this, I knew the truth, Fox News really is full of lies. I must doubt every story that they air because I disagreed with one of them. Everything must be biased! How sad. :( But, I guess all of those people who have been telling me this for years must be right - I apologize for doubting you! They used point to one or two stories that they thought were wrong, even though they weren't personally there, and then make the claim that all of the other stories must be false as well. Shocking.

Though, now that I think about it, I've actually been at the site of news stories before... and then saw it on tv or in the paper or in a magazine... and in each of those cases, they were wrong. Maybe all news is biased? Maybe all news is pumped up to sell more ads? Maybe they target the news at their audiences?... Nah, if that were the case, then Fox News wouldn't have aired that Area 51 piece, would they? Unless...

The Edward

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