Thursday, January 17, 2008

Goodbye Old Friend, I Hardly Knew You

I have this relationship that I do not talk about much. I think most of you have a relationship with this Person as well, and you probably don't talk about it. Heck, I doubt you even think about it. You just assume that everyone has the same relationship as you do. Well, I'm here to tell you that you are wrong. Everyone has his/her own unique relationship with this Person. Who is this Person? Reality.

Reality and me... we go back a long way, same probably with most of you. Our relationship has never been that strong, but we used to at least be on speaking terms. I do not know what I did - was it something that I said? All I know is that we no longer seem to be talking. Sure, I see Reality hanging out with other folk, but she just doesn't seem to come a calling on me any more.

At first I was heartbroken. Wasn't I good enough for Reality? Why did she always keep me at a distance? Was she pushing me away? Or maybe we really just never had that much in common so we felt uncomfortable around each other. I know it was always embarrassing when I was around others and they would try to introduce me to Reality - obviously our distance made people thing that I was unaware of Reality's existence. Sniffle.

Well, now that Reality seems to have left me, it is time for me to say goodbye to an old friend. Reality was never a close friend, but I always hoped that one day... we had some fun in the past, but our day in the sun is over. Goodbye.

Now that I have moved beyond that, there is a big gap in my life. Though that gap, when smaller, had been filled in the past, I'm guessing these other friends might fill the rest of it. Sure, there is Madness, but I have always kept her at bay. Maybe someday I will give her a chance, but for now, we just fool around sometimes.

Sure there are many other I could mention, but I must admit, there is kind of a dark horse in the running. I hope to have caught her eye. I've seen her around; we've even talked a few times. I was smitten with her the first time we met when I was a child. I know a lot of people say that they know her, but I really haven't seen her around most anyone I've met. She is kind of elusive, but to be honest, I have pursued her almost all of my life. Maybe she and I can be together finally, now that Reality is out of the picture. I hope that by transcending my need for Reality, Enlightenment will finally be mine.

The Edward

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