Friday, January 25, 2008

Dino Cities

I just finished watching the History Channel Special called "Life After People". Finally a show on TV that exposes The Truth, The Truth that I have been pushing for years - how the dinosaurs really vanished!

The show was about what would happen to Our World if we all just vanished at once. It showed snapshots of what the world would look like after different time periods, up to 10,000 years. The interesting part was the unspoken aspects: what would aliens find if they landed on our planet to show that we existed? Or better still, what would the race that came after our time here be able to find out about us. After 10,000 years, nothing.

Even say 100,000 is nothing compared to the time that life has been on Earth. If we vanished, 100,000 from now, if there was a thinking species on this planet, they would have no clue that we ever were here. None. So, extrapolating backwards, we can see that if an advanced civilization lived here 100,000 years ago, we wouldn't know that we were living on their ruins. No clue.

Dinosaurs existed on this planet for hundreds of millions of years. What are the chances that during all of that time, not a single species developed intelligence to our current level? Our advances are only a few thousand years, so there could have been hundreds of other intelligence civilizations living on this planet before us! Shocking to think about, and yet so true.

So, the Dinosaurs had huge advanced societies, probably much further along than we are. They probably lived in harmony with nature, because only man ruins this world. Shed a tear for their passing - the things we could have learned from these advanced, friendly creatures...

Though, there was one thing that they forgot to mention on the show - satellites. Planetary erosion wouldn't affect them, so we should see dino-made satellites floating around Our World. And since we do not, that is proof of how the dinos vanished - their satellites (or the satellites of a previous species) crashed into this world and destroyed them. Much more likely than an astroid wiping them out. And that is what wiped out the dinosaur race - satellites.

The Edward

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