Friday, December 14, 2007

A Tip for the Working

Just stop it - and here is why:

I have some liberal friends (as well as some conservative friends, though I am neither - a friend that is) but this is about those liberal ones. Well, a specific subset of them, not all of my liberal friends are this way, though it is funny to think all liberals are this way. I was enjoying a meal with these friends at a local restaurant where the service and food were amazing. Everyone agree, spectacular.

Over the course of the meal, I was hearing stories about the homeless people and people without enough money to pay their bills, etc. They were telling stories of how they gave tons of money to help these people. It was a good cause, they were telling me. The people who were getting this money were out of work and had real needs. I have heard all of this before, and agree with some of it. Overall, a fine lunch with interesting conversation.

Then the bill came.

It was around $25-$30 per person. Well, one person's was actually $24.50, not $25 and he argued that he shouldn't have to pay more than what he owed, so he wanted to throw in $24. The shocking part for those who haven't been following along was that he had just been talking about giving tons of money to the people without jobs. Now, here was a person who had just done a great job for him, bringing him some great food, etc. Now, giving this person an extra 50 cents was a deal breaker. (any overage goes directly to the server)

This is a trend I have noticed over the years, and I do not like its impact on me. Because if I throw in some extra to help out these working people, then the total bill always seems to be correct, which means some people didn't throw in enough. And since the total is correct, it is a hard argument to make that some people really should be throwing in more just to cover their meal. So, I try to be as exact as possible until the bill is settled.

So there are two points here. 1) If you are a working stiff, those liberal people don't care that much about you. Somehow by actually doing something to contribute to society makes you less of a person. Remember that when you vote. 2) If you make at least 2x over your server, and most people I know probably make at least 10x over, and you think that person did a good job, the best way you can help out society is to help out those people directly. Don't wait for the government to help them. An extra buck a day per person can make a difference in these working people's lives.

Be a big tipper, there is no downside.

The Edward


Aravind Krishnaswamy said...

I agree with what you've said but I still refuse to tip for shoddy service.

The Edward said...

Well then, it seems that you do not agree with what I said. So it seems. :) Giving money directly, no matter how bad the service, is better than the government doing it. As a matter of fact, the worse they are, the more that they need to money, since the more likely it is that they will not make enough and have to do welfare.

If it helps, think of it this way: if everyone tipped people who did a bad job servicing, then those people will stay in that job, trapped, unable to leave, since they are obviously incompetent and would be unable to find another job that paid as well as the tips. You would be condemning them for the rest of their lives to a job that they probably hate. How is that for justice!