Thursday, October 05, 2006

Dinosaur Meat

I eat meat.  Pretty much nothing else.  Well, grains.  But no vegetables!  Meat is even easier to spell!  And it sounds like something is going on "I'm going to meet someone."  "Yum, meat."  "Let's get to the meat of the matter."  I can not say that I have heard anyone, not even a vegetarian say, "Let's get to the vegetable of the matter."  "He was beating his vegetable all night long."

So, when a friend told me about meat they found preserved in a dinosaur bone in the form of marrow, I was hooked.  I have to know what it tastes like!  Though, I do not know if I want to try the 150 million year old version (aged) or the newer version from the clones that will surely be produced in the near future (fresh).  The aged version would have been made from what the dinosaur ate back then, which would be very different from modern plants, so it will surely have a different taste.

People (rich people) buy dinosaur bones for their own personal museums.  Somewhere out there, there has to be someone with so much money that they will want an exclusive experience, and I think this dinosaur meat could be the key.  I need to find this person, and be sure to get invited to the tasting party.  So, if you know anyone...

The Edward


Samantha said...

Edward, I do not want to burst your enthusiastic meat bubble, but I read recently that the myth of the frozen mammoth meat was just that. A myth. That meat was no good to eat... Despite being frozen, it still was way past it's expiration date and would case a major case of the shits if it didn't kill you.

Samantha said...

Oops, CAUSE, not case

Aravind Krishnaswamy said...

I think Edward is referring to the recent discovery of a T-rex leg bone so large that in order to carry it on the helicopter it need to be cut in half. This was when soft tissue was discovered inside the bone.

This is one of the news articles I managed to find:

That said, I'm not sure how edible it would be...