It happened again... thoughts?
Using Edward's Arcane World for non-view purposes? Is this how I'm going to do it in the New Year? Well, maybe this is my view of your world... sort of.
Something odd happens to me every so often, and I have no explanation for it. Actually, that is a lie, many things weird happen to me all of the time, which is one of the many reasons why I started this blog. But this one thing stands out from the rest, because I feel that there has to be an explanation for it! Any doctors out there?
It happened again tonight, so I explain the situation and see if you can tell me what is the cause.
I can not eat spicy food. I really just tastes like burn to me. Everything burns, my lips, my hands, my mouth, my tongue, my stomach, etc, you get the idea. I've tried over the years to build my tolerance to spicy with mixed results. It still burns, but every so often, I make my way through something mildly spicy without being sick.
But, here is the weird part... every so often, I can not taste nor feel spicy food. Not at all. I can eat the spiciest thing I can find, and it has no burn whatsoever. None. I can taste everything else fine, I try other flavors and I can tell them all apart. But not spicy.
It has happened only a few times in my life, though it could happen more frequently but I am unaware of it since I rarely even try spicy food. But it happened tonight. I ordered a very spicy dish, and nothing. Others told me it was spicy. I got home and tried some hot sauce, nothing. Chocolate, fine. Salt, fine. Every other flavor I've tried, a-okay. No burning on the lips, mouth, stomach, nothing.
I admit, it kind of worries me in some ways. Can my reality change so much? Is spicy really just in my mind? Has my mind been causing this burning all a long? Hard to imagine, since the pain seems so real and it matches others experiences with spicy. Or is it that my mind can just block it out sometimes? Or is it something else... like aliens trying to sent crop circle to my taste buds? Or some horrible crippling disease for which this is the first symptom? Will I be coughing up blood in the morning? Who knows?! Maybe it would be more fun than it sounds.
Has anyone every had anything like this happen to someone they know or even to themselves? I mean really, crop circles in the mouth sounds too exotic to be real, and yet, I have no better explanation.
I hope to find an answer! Somehow. I've searched online. I've asked people. Now I will ask you. Though, I am sure there is an intersection of some of the afore mentioned groups. Non-people should feel free to reply as well.
Talk to you again soon.
The Edward