About that God fellow
I heard something on the radio today - but what would I do with an extra 2-3 inches? After that I heard someone call to tell the host about God, which was weird. Weird, because I was just thinking about God right before I turned on the radio. I had just realized something, something that I had read in Ram Tzu's book, something about God being in the outhouse.
I was thinking about Right and Wrong. God, I was told, created man in His image, gave him the power to decide between Right from Wrong, etc. Something I never really thought about before though: Does God know Right from Wrong?
Assume that there is a God as described. Why would he create a being, and allow him to choose between Right and Wrong, but if he chooses Wrong he gets the opportunity to burn forever in Hell? Seems like there is no real choice there. But that was when I realized it, How can there be a Wrong?
God, before He created man, would have had to know Everything. Contained within him would be thoughts that we consider Wrong. If there is a Right and Wrong, then they must be ideals outside of God, and God chooses Right. If God didn't know Right and Wrong and was just the embodiment of Right, how could he create a Devil or create humans that knew of Wrong - how can there be anything other than God? So, either everything is part of God, all thoughts and deeds and etc, or God deals with Right and Wrong on a daily basis just like we do, but he choose Right and punishes those who choose Wrong.
Ram Tzu stated something about the "clever" look for God in churches and temples, but he then follows that by saying Ram Tzu knows that God is also in the outhouses and abattoirs. I'm going to have to agree with him on this point - God would be everywhere and everything. All thoughts that we judge as Right and Wrong are really just right and wrong to us. There is no such distinction for God.
The Edward
PS The man on the radio was calling to tell the host that his opinion was wrong. The host thought that a woman having an abortion after being raped was a-okay. The man calling was claiming that God had a plan for that baby and that the host would never know the love of God because of his views on abortion. The host was claiming that there was no God because if so, God would have stopped the rape. Because of my thoughts just before I turned on the radio, I realized that both were wrong.