Universal Coverage
I've been hearing a lot about Universal Health Care Coverage on the news/radio recently. With the ongoing US elections, it seems that all of the candidates can't make promises fast enough about giving away money that they do not have. In this age of making sure that everyone is taken care of from cradle to grave, I realized that there is a major Universal Coverage that people just aren't talking about: Gas.
See, in most people's life, they are paying a lot more for gas than health care. Most of the poor can not afford gas, especially with the ever rising prices. And who do I think could do a better job at fixing this? Some big corporation that is only looking out for its own profit (and the profit of those rich enough to buy stock in the company)? Or the government, who is everyone's best friend! Who doesn't love talking to the IRS? They are only there to help! Who among us doesn't believe that the FBI and CIA are more than justified in tapping our phone lines? They only ever have our best interest at heart. Which is why we all believe that they would apply that same IRS level of understanding to our medical needs, and that FBI/CIA level of privacy to our most personal data. And since we all seem to believe this, why not apply this to gas and make this country great by looking after all of its citizens, in this most important aspect of life!
Imagine if you will, a world without gas companies! You could just pull up to the government run gas pumps at the time of your scheduled gas fill up appointment and get your free gas. Isn't that the way it should be? Why should we be burdened under the current system? Isn't gas just a tax on the poor? Do you think rich people even notice gas prices? That is the way it should be for everyone!
After Universal Healthcare and Gas Care are conquered, then we can move on to bigger issues! Like Universal Food Care! How many people are starving in the streets? All people should be feed. Equally. Since, isn't that what Universal Care means? All people getting the same level of service? It should be illegal to buy more Food Care or Gas Care, just like we want for Health Care. Why should those who are rich get more food, gas, or health? What have they done to deserve their money anyway?
Wow, I just had a revelation! Universal Money Care! That would solve all of our social problems! Everyone gets the same amount of money from cradle to grave. No more injustices! Everyone will be treated the same, no matter what. I think with this new Universal Plan, we can final have the society that we really want and deserve!
The Edward